Barcelona Startups List

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Meet 9 attorney View everyone

ID 672276

Marc Rius i Calaveras

Bachelor's and Master's in Law at Esade Superior College of Law; Working at Ribas y Asociados, Law firm created by Xavier Ribas, Internet Law "father" in Spain.

ID 502925

Juan Manuel Pérez


Lawyer at Broseta Abogados especialized on Venture Capital, M&A and Corporate Law. Head of the Innovation & Entrepreneurs Group focused on emerging companies

ID 617907

Ildikó Milanovich

Communication and Social Media Specialist

ID 762922

Joaquin Torres

Spanish entrepreneur with 10 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and legal services, with strong business development skills.

ID 175882

Josep Navajo

Founding Partner Delvy Asesores. Startup Lawyer.

ID 28268

Pedro Da Cruz

CEO at @advocatalog-1 and attorney in Spain. Specialize in taxation and company formation. Building global leader in qualitative data for lawyers.

ID 170801

Beatriz Tejeiro

COO at @megafounder

ID 458273

José-María Guerra

Founded a BENiK conferences; wrote a thesis on internet rights; reading on the internet and the law. Passionate of singularity

ID 200798

Luis Gosalbez

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