Barcelona Startups List

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Meet 20 frontend developer View everyone

ID 114510

Xavi Esteve

Founder of PuntoStartup • Full-stack Developer & Entrepreneur. Worked at @softonic, @lovefilm, @agilent Technologies and more. London & Barcelona

ID 289063

Beto Ayesa

ID 282732

David Creixell Mediante

Computer Engineer. PHP Senior developer, Symfony long experience. SQL & noSQL. Front-end and back-end coder. Co-Founder of

ID 613852

Ricard Solé Casas

Freelance web developer

ID 820745

Imanol Egido

Front-end UI/UX Designer: highly experienced as Art Director Junior and Photographer.

ID 781773

Efrén Pastor Piera

Front-end developer en

ID 834453

malik bn

Bachelor in Business Administration and managing IT companies. Loves business, loves coding.

ID 213756

Jose Bautista

Designer working in the place where machines and humans meet.

ID 404307

Naoise Golden

Frontend developer and crazy about startups. I am visiting some old friends in San Francisco in October.

ID 834193

Bruno Chiner

Developer and designer at @shysurvey. Built and sold Subtle - minimalist notepad for iOS.

ID 879649

Diego P. Suárez

Web programmer PHP, JS and now playing RUBY and RoR

ID 200455

Adrian Latorre Crespo

Android and Front-end developer. Telecomunications engeneer. Always learning (AngularJS, MongoDB,Python...) and making projects. Co-Founder @el-androide-libre .

ID 569787

Denis Fernandez Gridchin

Frontend Designer & Developer

ID 101865

Derry Birkett

Design Thinker - UI/UX & Front-end. Designing since 1999 in London, Ireland, Spain & Italy. Speaks Spanish & Italian. Advising @ifunding Drinks Coffee. Lots.

ID 240553

Jeroen van Meerendonk

I'm a UI/UX frontend designer and developer, a self-taught and pixel detail enthusiast who loves HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery.

ID 839212

Xavi Serra

Frontend developer. Worked with create js, unity and angularjs

ID 137257

Xavi Valero

UI/UX Designer & Front-End Engineer at Co-founder of TweetAnApp.

ID 781798

Joan Vega

CTO @tenderlog and CEO @inte; worked @apple

ID 854861

Karolin Siebert

I am a infographic designer with coding skills who wants to work in a junior frontend developer position using skills of both fields. I love data visualisation.

ID 817852

Eva Biota

Multimedia and graphic designer, strong visual and technical skills. Worked for U.O.C Spanish Online University. Interfaces design and user experience.

//}) /* // var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //var y = $(this).scrollTop(); //console.log('y = '+ y); if (jQuery(this).scrollTop() > 1200 ) { $('#promoBand').fadeIn(); } else { $('#promoBand').fadeOut(); } */ //do something special }, 11000);